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Tecx Smart Solutions

Your Business Is Our Business.

Customer Support

Provide order status help, handle ordering problems, enrollment, reservations, and more.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is the initiation of consumer interest or enquiry into products or services of a business.

Local marketing

Local marketing refers to tactics that focus on local markets close to your place of business.


Service We Provide

Inbound Calls

Inbound calls are phone calls made by customers that are directed to a company's customer care or support team.

Outbound Calls

The super agents can assist you in reaching more prospects and closing more sales with the help of an contact center.

Digital PR

Marketing professionals utilise digital PR as a promotional strategy to strengthen a brand's online presence.

Email Marketing

There is no more effective digital marketing strategy than email marketing for creating and converting leads.


The development of digital marketing and its expansion in India is unquestionably fascinating facts. Before a few years ago, only about half of the country was familiar with the term "Digital Marketing," but this is beginning to change. The emergence of digital marketing in India is an intriguing tale of how the human mind has evolved to think technically about everything, even marketing strategy.


Data Analysis

Data is collected, processed, and presented to a business as part of a data management process called a data analysis service in order to aid in decision-making.

Sales Boosters

A lead creation application called Sales Booster assists companies in creating customized communications for verified contacts .

B2C Marketing

Business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the practice of selling goods and services directly between an organization and the customers who will ultimately use them.

B2B Marketing

A business-to-business, or B2B, company is any company out there, large or little, online or offline, that offers goods or services to other businesses.

Influencer marketing

On a worldwide scale, we create and implement influencer marketing programs. We create the best possible plan for you based on your brand objectives.

Affiliate Marketing

We create and implement influencer marketing plans on a worldwide scale. We develop the best approach for you based on the objectives of your brand.


What Says

Our Happy Clients

Business process outsourcing, or BPO, entails hiring a third party to carry out particular company functions. A company needs a variety of operational processes to function, but employing a permanent employee to oversee each process can be expensive. A business owner can use specialists to handle these tasks through business process outsourcing without incurring the costs of employing full-time employees.
We provide a variety of services that can help you accomplish your company objectives. Customer service, inbound and outbound sales, client retention, lead generation, technical support, facility and equipment procurement, payment processing, management, accounting and receivables, direct response marketing, administration, back office processing, and digital marketing are among the services offered.
The same way you evaluate your potential outsourcing partner, you also need to measure your company's outsourcing readiness. Your ability to adopt the strategy will decide how well business with your potential partner goes.
To find out more about our offerings and to determine whether our services are a good match for your company, get in touch with us right away. email us at admin@tecxsmartsolutions.net